Saturday, May 4, 2013

BCミルクに含まれるストロンチウム その2   Strontium90 in BC Milk Part2


What Strontium 90 does to the body

Strontium 90 never occurs naturally.  It is man-made by the nuclear fission reaction.  Strontium 90 is a “bone seeker”.  It mimics calcium and if a bone is deficient in calcium, it will take up Strontium 90 in place of the calcium. 

But whereas calcium will make your bones strong, Strontium 90 gets deposited in the bones and bone marrow and causes bone cancer and cancer of the tissues nearby.  It can also get into the blood and cause leukemia. 
カルシウムは骨を強くしますが、骨や骨髄に蓄積したストロンチウム90は、骨の癌 (悪性骨腫瘍) や周辺組織に癌を引き起こします。また、ストロンチウム90は血液にも入り、白血病を引き起こします。

Strontium 90 decays by practically pure beta radiation. When beta particles are ingested, they penetrate cells at the molecular level and are so strong that they can actually change the structure of the molecules they strike.  If the molecule it strikes is a DNA molecule, then it can cause a spontaneous mutation.

Babies and pregnant women are the most sensitive to the affects of radiation. If a pregnant woman is drinking milk that has radioactive Strontium 90 in it, the fetus will concentrate that radioactivity.  If a woman who is breastfeeding is drinking radioactive milk, the Strontium 90 will concentrate in her breast milk and thus get transferred to her baby.

Young children are the next most affected.  Young girls are more affected than young boys. Women are more susceptible to the effects of radiation than men.

Strontium 90 has a half life of 28.79 years so it be around for about 290 years before it completely decays away to a nonradioactive and risk-free form.  That is, any Strontium 90 you ingest and lodges in your bones will remain in your body, decaying away, for your entire life.

There is no question about it – Strontium 90 is a man-made poison that we should never have to consume.

Knowing the grave damage Strontium 90 can do to a body, it’s a good idea to ask yourself– do I want any Strontium 90 in my body or the bodies of my children.

What do the levels mean?

The highest level we found in our lab tests post-Fukushima was  0.4 bq/l .

0.4 bq/l  sounds like such a small number doesn’t it? Consider for a minute that 1 becquerel (bq) is one disintegration every second. One Becquerel is defined as the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus decays every second. 
0.4 ベクレルと聞くと、ほんの小さい値のような印象を受けます。1ベクレル(bq)とは、「1秒間に1回の崩壊」と考えてください。1ベクレルは、1秒間に放射性核種が崩壊する放射性物質の活動量と定義されます。

Thus, when we say that radioactive Strontium 90 decays, we mean that its nucleus decays or disintegrates.  As mentioned earlier, Strontium 90 decays by beta radiation and you have already read how damaging this type of decay is.

Our test results showed that for every litre of milk, there are 0.4 disintegrations every second.

Every minute there are 60 x.4 disintegrations=24 disintegrations per minute. There are 1440 minutes in a day, so that one litre of milk will give off 34,560 disintegrations in a day. Many kids will drink that amount, and more, every day!!

Studies have shown that 70-80% of that radioactive Strontium 90 is excreted. That leaves 7000 disintegrations in the body each day for the one litre of milk,  Multiply that by 365 and every year there will be over two and a half million disintegrations in your child’s body.

After 15 years of drinking milk your child will have had 37 ½ million disintegrations alone going on inside the bones – after having excreted 80% of it. This will hugely increase the chance of developing bone cancer or leukemia.

And, after a nuclear event, this Strontium 90 comes along with about 200 other radioisotopes – all of which can cause gene mutations and cancer as well as many other ill health effects as they disintegrate away.

0.4 bq/litre….such an innocent looking number……
0.4 Bq/L -- なんと無害に見える数値でしょう。。。

Important Historical Perspective

In an attempt to put the Strontium 90 in our milk more in perspective, we tried to find out if anyone had tested for Strontium 90 before Fukushima.

Over 400 atomic ground weapons testing that started in 1945 and contaminated the atmosphere with radioactive fallout, both the American and the Canadian governments started testing their milk supplies for Strontium 90 and Cesium 134 and 137 in the late 1950’s.

Health Canada’s Radiation Protection Bureau (RPB) set up 16 locations across Canada and tested milk every three months. The highest levels of Strontium 90 were found in 1964 at over 1 Bq/l. This is equivalent to over 27 pCi per litre or 338% higher than the EPA’s Maximum Contamination Level.
ヘルスカナダ放射線防護局 (RPB)は、カナダ国内の16ヶ所で3ヶ月毎に牛乳を検査しました。1964年に検出されたストロンチウム90の最高レベルは、1 Bq/Lを超えていました。これは1リットル当たり27 pCi (ピコキュリー) 以上に相当し、EPAの最大汚染レベルより338%も高い数値です。

The US Environmental Protection Agency also tested for Strontium 90 in their milk during this time. EPA reports that the highest Sr-90 concentrations were seen in 1963, following the intensive nuclear weapons testing of 1961-1962.

Their graphs show close to 160pCi/l, equivalent to 5.9 Bq/l.  These results are almost six times higher than in Canada, probably because the tests were done in the United States and thus Canada was further away from the fallout.
グラフから、ほぼ1リットルあたり160 pCi5.9 ベクレル相当が検出されたことがわかります。この結果はカナダのおよそ6倍ですが、それはおそらく核兵器実験が米国で行われ、降下物がカナダから遠く離れていたためだと考えられます。

We wanted to find out if and how this level of radioactivity affected the human population. Luckily, at the same time that the U.S. and Canadian governments were testing for the levels of the radionuclides in the food and environment, scientists set about trying to determine the effect of this never-before-seen nuclear fallout.


The Baby Tooth Survey was started in 1958 by the Greater St. Louis Citizens’ Committee for Nuclear Information. This committee worked with Saint Louis University and the Washington University School of Dental Medicine.  As a way of determining the effects of nuclear fallout in the human anatomy, they collected and examined the deciduous  “baby” teeth of children for levels of radioactive materials absorbed into the teeth.

Ultimately, the researchers collected over 300,000 teeth before the study concluded in 1970. The study found that children born after 1963 had levels of Strontium 90 in their baby teeth that were 50 times higher than the levels found in children born before the large scale atomic testing began.

These results actually helped convince President John F Kennedy to sign the Partial Nuclear Test Ban treaty with the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union.

Interestingly, in 2001, a set of 85,000 teeth from the project, was uncovered in storage by Washington University.  These teeth were given to The Radiation and Public Health Project which tracked 3000 people who had participated in the tooth collection project.  In 2010 they published their findings in the International Journal of Health Science.
興味深いことに、前述のプロジェクトに使用された85千個の歯が、2001年にワシントン大学によって倉庫から取り出されました。これらの歯は放射能と公衆衛生プロジェクトに引き渡され、歯収集プロジェクトに参加した3千人の追跡調査が行われました。2010年、彼らは 国際保健科学ジャーナルに調査結果を発表しました。

The results showed that the 12 children who later died of cancer before the age of 50 had levels of Strontium 90 in their stored baby teeth that was twice the level of those who were still alive at 50 years of age.

To go to Tooth Fairy Project, Click the image   

The U.S. EPA reports that, “after the majority of above-ground nuclear tests ceased in 1963, the Sr-90 level in pasteurized milk dropped sharply. Because other countries continued a small number of above-ground tests, the Sr-90 level reached a plateau rather than disappearing. Since the last above ground nuclear test in 1980, the Sr-90 in milk has steadily decreased as the radionuclide has decayed away.”

The Canadian Radiation Protection Bureau rsimilarly reports that, “since the cessation of atmospheric nuclear weapons testing by treaty signatories in 1962, the values for Sr-90 have been steadily decreasing.”

But his means that Strontium 90 has been in our milk supply all along. And of course, this makes sense knowing now that Strontium 90 takes 289 years to completely disintegrate.  It won’t  be decayed away until sometime between 2233 to 2281.

Health Canada reports that by 1993, the level of Strontium 90 in Canadian milk was down to 0.055 Bq/l or 1.485pCi/l. Vancouver milk was slightly lower at .051 Bq/l
ヘルスカナダは、カナダの牛乳に含まれるストロンチウム90のレベルは、1993年までに1リットルあたり0.055 Bqあるいは1.485 pCiまで減少したと報告しています。バンクーバーの牛乳はもう少し低く、1リットルあたり0.051 Bqでした。

As a result of decreasing radiation levels, the Canadian milk sampling program was modified in 1994, to analyze commercial milk samples from Ottawa, Ontario.  Ottawa is over 2000 miles away from Vancouver B.C. in the east of Canada.

Overall, the Strontium 90 across Canada pre-Fukushima and up to 2011 were in the range of .03 to .09 Bq/l.
全体的に見れば、福島原発事故以前の2011年まで、カナダ全土のストロンチウム900.030.09 Bq/Lの範囲内でした。

The last pre-Fukushima testing of milk in B.C. by the Canadian government was done in 1993.  They tested 4 milk samples and found Strontium 90 in all samples at levels between 0.0314 and 0.0664 Bq/l
福島原発事故以前にカナダ政府がBC州で行った最後の牛乳検査は1993年でした。4つのミルクのサンプルが検査され、すべてのサンプルに1リットルあたり0.0134~ 0.0664Bqのストロンチウム90が検出されていました。

We found it quite shocking to discover that Strontium 90 has been detected in our milk supply since the 1950’s. We had never seen any warnings about this from Health Canada.

Health Canada started publishing Canada’s Food Rules in 1942. In 1961 they changed the name to Canada’s Food Guide. This guide outlines the amount and type of food recommended to “reduce your risk of…..cancer…..and contribute to overall health…..”

To go to Canada's Food Guide, Click the image   

Milk intake recommendations range from a minimum of 2 to 4 glasses of milk a day. The recommendations did not change after the government started finding Strontium 90 in the milk supply. The food guide includes these recommendations for children and pregnant and lactating women – those very people who are most susceptible to radioactivity.

The same government that is promoting milk has been testing for and found Strontium 90 in the milk. Is it the dairy industry lobby that has helped to ensure these recommendations?

Using the same calculations based on disintegrations per second as done previously, even the .0314 Bq/l found in 1993 from the weapons testing is an eye opener.  That is equivalent to almost 200,000 disintegrations going on in the body every year, with 200,000 more disintegrations being added every year – after the 80% is excreted!!
上述のように1秒当たりの崩壊に基づいて計算すれば、1993年に検出された兵器実験由来の1リットルあたり0.314 Bqすら瞠目すべき事実です。この値は、80%が排出されたとしても、体内において毎年ほぼ20万回の崩壊が起こることを意味します。そして1年ごとに20万回の崩壊が追加され続けるのです。

The .0664 Bq/l found translates to about 420,000 disintegrations going on in the body each and every year – after 80% has been excreted. No wonder there is a cancer epidemic out there.
0.0664 Bq/Lの場合は、80%が排出されたとしても、体内において毎年約42万回の崩壊が起こると解釈することができます。癌が蔓延するのも不思議ではありません。

If Fukushima fallout has contaminated our milk supply, this has simply been an addition to the Strontium 90 that has always been in Canadian milk.

Didn’t the Canadian government want to at least make the Canadian public aware that this dangerous man-made radioisotope was being found in the milk we feed our children every day, that the pregnant women drink every day, that breast feeding mothers drink every day and bio-accumulate into their breast milk and pass onto their vulnerable babies  - every day?
カナダ政府はカナダ国民に、この危険な、人間が作り出した放射性同位体が牛乳から検出されていたということを少なくとも知らせたいとは思わなかったのでしょうか? そのような牛乳を私たちは毎日子どもに飲ませ、妊婦も毎日飲み、母乳を与える母親も毎日飲んで母乳に生体濃縮し、影響を受けやすい乳児に毎日与えていたというのに。
The public has the right to know. 

The government puts labels on cigarettes and warns of the danger to health.  People have the right to know and the right to smoke cigarettes if they choose.  People have the right to know what is in their milk and decide whether or not they want to drink it.

Could it be that the Canadian government’s involvement in the mining, processing and selling of uranium to other countries, its selling of nuclear technology to the world as well as its profiting from Canada’s own nuclear power plants and nuclear research reactors, makes it not want to draw attention to the dangers of radioactivity?

Earlier it was pointed out that the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant continues to give off 10 million becquerels of Cesium 134 and 137 every hour. This means that over the almost two years that this crisis has been happening, there have been 10 milliion x 24 hours x365 x 2 =175,200,000,000 disintegrations of Cesium 134 and 137 released to the atmosphere. 

That goes along with Strontium 90 and 200 other radioisotopes all disintegrating and causing damage to the environment and the humans they come into contact with.

To be continued....(to Part 3)

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